Firebase is a cloud platform from Google. It's built on top of Google Cloud Platform and it aims to make Cloud Computing easier to access for developers. It provides multiple services but we are going to be using only these:
Cloud Functions (Functions as a Service)
Realtime Database (streaming/real-time NoSQL data storage)
You need Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer
Go to and follow the instructions for your Operating System
In the navigation menu on the left, click on Develop › Database
Choose Realtime Database. (Firestore is not yet supported on Arduino).
Initially, our database will be empty initially.
We are going to create a data structure that holds the state representation for our smart light bulb. We can create the properties one by one to reflect the JSON below, or just use the import JSON command on the options menu
Create a file named database.json and paste the following content. Save your file and use the import JSON option on the Firebase Console.
Once you seed the data, your database should look like this.
Using the Firebase Console on your browser, you can update your data manually whenever you want.
Set up the database rules
We need to access this data without authenticating for now, let's open our dataset for read and write access
In real-life projects, leaving our database open for read and write access would be a terrible practice. Don't do this!
Go to the rules tab and update the contents with
{/* Visit to learn more about security rules. */"rules": {".read":true,".write":true }}
Make sure you publish the rules
Database secret
In order to connect to our Firebase Realtime Database from our Arduino code, we'll need some basic credentials.
Go to your project settings on the Firebase Console
From here, go to Service Accounts › Database secrets. We need to generate a new database secret and save it for our next step.
Connecting our prototype
Copy the following code, and make sure to update the following settings to match your Wi-Fi settings and Firebase Project.
// Copyright 2019 Orestes Carracedo This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.// To view a copy of this license, visit or// send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.#include<ESP8266WiFi.h>// ESP8266 dependency#include<FirebaseESP8266.h>// Firebase dependency#include<Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>// NeoPixel dependency// Firebase Project#defineFIREBASE_HOST""#defineFIREBASE_AUTH"YOUR_DB_SECRET_HERE"#defineWIFI_SSID"WIFI_SSID_HERE"#defineWIFI_PASSWORD"WIFI_PASSWORD_HERE"#defineDEVICE_ID"light-1"// NeoPixel connectionconstint LED_PIN = D4;constint LED_COUNT =1;// State variablesbool on =true;int i =127;int r =255;int g =0;int b =0;// Firebase Data APIFirebaseData firebaseData;FirebaseJson json;// NeoPixel APIAdafruit_NeoPixel strip =Adafruit_NeoPixel(LED_COUNT, LED_PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);voidsetup(){Serial.begin(115200);Serial.println("");strip.begin();WiFi.begin(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PASSWORD);Serial.print("Connecting to Wi-Fi");while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {Serial.print(".");delay(1000); }Serial.println();Serial.print("Connected: ");Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());Serial.print("Connecting to Firebase: ");Serial.println(FIREBASE_HOST);Firebase.begin(FIREBASE_HOST, FIREBASE_AUTH);Firebase.reconnectWiFi(true);if (!Firebase.beginStream(firebaseData,"/devices/"+ String(DEVICE_ID) +"/state")) {Serial.println("Could not begin stream");Serial.println("REASON: "+firebaseData.errorReason());Serial.println(); }}voidloop() {if (!Firebase.readStream(firebaseData)) {Serial.println("Can't read stream data");Serial.println("REASON: "+firebaseData.errorReason());delay(1000); }if (firebaseData.streamTimeout()) {Serial.println();Serial.println("Stream timeout, will resume streaming..."); }updateDataFromFirebase();if (on) {strip.setBrightness(i);strip.setPixelColor(0,strip.Color(r, g, b)); } else {strip.setBrightness(0);strip.setPixelColor(0,strip.Color(0,0,0)); strip.clear(); };}voidsetOn(bool value) { on = value;if (on) {Serial.println("Turn light ON"); } else {Serial.println("Turn light OFF"); }}voidsetBrightness(int value) { i =map(value,0,100,0,255);Serial.print("Set brightness to: ");Serial.println(i);}voidsetColor(int red,int green,int blue) { r =constrain(red,0,255); g =constrain(green,0,255); b =constrain(blue,0,255);Serial.print("Set R to: ");Serial.println(r);Serial.print("Set G to: ");Serial.println(g);Serial.print("Set B to: ");Serial.println(b);}voidupdateDataFromFirebase() {if (!firebaseData.streamAvailable()) {return; }const String path =firebaseData.dataPath();if (path =="/") { FirebaseJson &json =firebaseData.jsonObject(); FirebaseJsonData data;json.get(data,"on");if (data.success &&data.type =="bool")setOn(data.boolValue); json.get(data,"brightness");if (data.success &&data.type =="int")setBrightness(data.intValue);int tmpR;int tmpG;int tmpB;json.get(data,"color/rgb/r");if (data.success &&data.type =="int") tmpR =data.intValue;json.get(data,"color/rgb/g");if (data.success &&data.type =="int") tmpG =data.intValue;json.get(data,"color/rgb/b");if (data.success &&data.type =="int") tmpB =data.intValue;setColor(tmpR, tmpG, tmpB);return; }if (path =="/on") {setOn(firebaseData.boolData());return; }if (path =="/brightness") {setBrightness(firebaseData.intData());return; }if (path =="/color") { FirebaseJson &json =firebaseData.jsonObject(); FirebaseJsonData data;int tmpR;int tmpG;int tmpB;json.get(data,"rgb/r");if (data.success &&data.type =="int") tmpR =data.intValue;json.get(data,"rgb/g");if (data.success &&data.type =="int") tmpG =data.intValue;json.get(data,"rgb/b");if (data.success &&data.type =="int") tmpB =data.intValue;setColor(tmpR, tmpG, tmpB);return; }}
Test run
Upload your code and open Tools > Serial Monitor
You should see your board connect to the internet and receive data from Firebase
Now change some color values in the Firebase Console and watch as your RGB led changes and your Serial Monitor shows you log traces. It's working!
Firebase Cloud Functions
We are going to use Firebase Cloud functions to create two endpoints for the Actions on Google Smart API to connect.
We will need
A token endpoint where Google will perform OAuth 2 authentication
A request endpoint to handle requests from the Smart Home API
Let's add some dependencies to build our functions
Go into the functions directory and run
npm install jsonwebtoken
On your IDE or code editor, update the functions/index.js file with the following code that contains endpoint definitions
constfunctions=require("firebase-functions");constadmin=require("firebase-admin");constjwt=require("jsonwebtoken");// TODO: Maybe only do this when you need access to the dataadmin.initializeApp();functiongetUserIdForAuthCode(code) {// TODO: Get corresponding user for the given auth codereturn"fake-user-id";}functiongetToken(payload) {// TODO: Use secret from config/envreturnjwt.sign(payload,"secret", { expiresIn:"1h"// TODO: Get expiration time from config/env });}consttokenHandler= (request, response) => {constauthCode=request.body.code;constuserId=getUserIdForAuthCode(authCode);console.log("Auth code matches user", { authCode, userId });// TODO: Add any metadata for the userconstdata= { authCode, userId };constaccess_token=getToken(data);constrefresh_token=getToken(data);console.log("Tokens generated", { access_token, refresh_token });response.send({ access_token, refresh_token });};functiondec2hex(dec) {return (dec +Math.pow(16,6)).toString(16).substr(-6);}functionhex2dec(input) {returnparseInt(input,16);}functionparseAsRGB(input) {consthex=dec2hex(input);constr=hex2dec(hex.substr(0,2));constg=hex2dec(hex.substr(2,2));constb=hex2dec(hex.substr(4,2));return { r, g, b };}// TODO: Get this state from Firebase when the request handler loadsconstdevicesState= {"light-1": { on:true, online:true, brightness:80, color: { name:"cerulean", spectrumRGB:31655 } }};constdevices= [ { id:"light-1", type:"action.devices.types.LIGHT", traits: ["action.devices.traits.OnOff","action.devices.traits.Brightness","action.devices.traits.ColorSetting" ], name: { name:"my smart light" }, willReportState:false, attributes: { colorModel:"rgb" } }];constcommands= [ { ids: ["light-1"], status:"SUCCESS", states: { on:true, online:true } }];constintentMap= {"action.devices.SYNC":async (input, result) => {result.payload.devices = devices;return result; },"action.devices.EXECUTE":async (input, result) => {constcommand=input.payload.commands[0].execution[0];if (command.command ==="action.devices.commands.ColorAbsolute") {await admin.database().ref("devices/light-1/state/color").set({ spectrum:command.params.color.spectrumRGB, rgb:parseAsRGB(command.params.color.spectrumRGB), hex:"#"+dec2hex(command.params.color.spectrumRGB), });result.payload.devices = devicesState; // TODO: Report online status and color }if (command.command ==="action.devices.commands.OnOff") {// TODO: Communicate with the device and get a resultawait admin.database().ref("devices/light-1/state/on").set(command.params.on);result.payload.devices = devicesState; // TODO: Report online status and color }if (command.command ==="action.devices.commands.BrightnessAbsolute") {// TODO: Communicate with the device and get a resultawait admin.database().ref("devices/light-1/state/brightness").set(command.params.brightness);result.payload.devices = devicesState; // TODO: Report online status and color }result.payload.commands = commands;return result; },"action.devices.QUERY": (input, result) => {// TODO: Read from Firebaseresult.payload.devices = devicesState;return result; }};constrequestHandler=async (request, response) => {console.log("incoming request",JSON.stringify(request.body));constbody=request.body;constrequestId=body.requestId;constintent=body.inputs[0].intent;constagentUserId="fake-user-id"; // TODO: Get from JWT in Authorization HTTP headerconsttmp= { requestId, payload: { agentUserId } };constresult=await intentMap[intent](body.inputs[0], tmp);console.log("outgoing response",JSON.stringify(result));response.send(result);};exports.token =functions.https.onRequest(tokenHandler);exports.request =functions.https.onRequest(requestHandler);
And now let's deploy our functions. Go back to your terminal/console, and from the functions directory, run the following command:
firebase deploy --only functions
Take a note of the endpoint for the two Firebase Cloud functions
Firebase Hosting
We are going to create a simple login page that will take the parameters from Google and redirect an authenticated user.
Update the public/index.html file
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge" />
<title>Smart Home Provider :: Login</title>
textarea {
width: 100%;
min-height: 10em;
overflow-x: scroll;
margin: 2em;
<button id="login">Login</button>
<textarea id="debug"></textarea>
// Get references to DOM elements
const loginButton = document.querySelector("#login");
const debug = document.querySelector("#debug");
// Read query params
const url = new URL(window.location);
const redirect_uri = url.searchParams.get("redirect_uri");
const client_id = url.searchParams.get("client_id");
const response_type = url.searchParams.get("response_type");
const scope = url.searchParams.get("scope");
const state = url.searchParams.get("state");
// Show variables for debugging
debug.innerText = JSON.stringify(
// Declare function
function getAuthCodeAndRedirect() {
// TODO: Authenticate the user and get a single-use auth code from our API
const auth_code = "fake-auth-code";
// Redirect the user back to Google, providing the new auth code for the original state
window.location = `${redirect_uri}?&state=${state}&code=${auth_code}`;
// Add event listeners
loginButton.addEventListener("click", getAuthCodeAndRedirect);
Deploy this page with
firebase deploy --only hosting
Take a note of the generated public URL for your Firebase-hosted page